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in AWS by (19.1k points)
Please help me in the process of creating a VPC with some subnets.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (44.4k points)
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Step 1: Log in to your Management Console and go to the VPC dashboard. Once you are in this page below, click on Create VPC:

Step 2: Enter a suitable name tag (Not Mandatory, helps in keeping track), then provide the CIDR block range for IPv4 addresses. Then click Create and this should create you a VPC. It is that simple!

Step 3: Now, to create a subnet, click on Subnets in below Your VPCs. Then click on Create subnet button.

Step 4: Provide a name tag for your convenience. Choose the VPC under which the subnet should exist. IPv4 CIDR block is the most important input here. The CIDR block you provide should be a subset of the VPCs CIDR block. Once that is done, click on create. 

Now, you have created a VPC and a subnet successfully!

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