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in Java by (6.5k points)
I know a little bit of JAVA but is it worth it learn it in depth?

1 Answer

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by (11.3k points)
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Yes, from an objective point of view, and it's not outdated by any means and it's not going to be obsolete any time soon. A lot of frameworks and software are still being implemented using JAVA. It's one of the more fundamentally important programming languages in the world and it's a general practice in the core tech development field to have a grasp of either one of the three primary programming languages; C, C++ or JAVA. JAVA, in my opinion, gives you a very clear understanding of object-oriented programming as a learner and builds up your basic skills. The advantage of learning JAVA is that the knowledge attained isn't completely mutually exclusive with any of the newer and more popular programming languages, coming up in the world today. In short, if you understand JAVA well, you can understand Python extremely easily. But if you only know Python, it'll be a lot harder for you to grasp more syntax oriented languages like JAVA with a lot less abstraction in code than Python.

But the real question is, is JAVA relevant to YOU?

That is something that depends entirely on your profession and requirements. JAVA is easy to learn and a robust programming language on the surface but core JAVA goes a lot deeper. If you're learning JAVA for something like Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analytics or Business Analytics, you are better off with something specific (Read: Python) to those fields instead of spending a lot of time in understanding something as deep as core JAVA. If you just want to learn something, definitely go for it since you already know something about it and it'll be easier for you to have a good pace. Remember, it's never a bad option to learn something new. And JAVA skills are always in demand.

If you'd like to try out some hands-on JAVA for yourself if you want clarity on whether to continue with it or not, you can check out this video:

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