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+1 vote
in DevOps and Agile by (1.5k points)

How to run a cron job every 15 minutes on Jenkins?

I've tried using this:

In Jenkins, I am having a job that is set to run for every 15 minutes using the specified cron syntax :

14 * * * *

But the job is executing for every hour instead of the specified time (15 minutes).

I've received an error (warning) regarding format of the cron syntax, which is:

Spread load evenly by using ‘H * * * *’ rather than ‘14 * * * *’

Is this the reason why cron job usually executes every hour instead of 15 minutes ?


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7.5k points)
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Best answer

You need to make a slight change in the syntax specified: 

*/15 * * * * command 

|-->`*/15` would imply every 15 minutes.

" * " would indicate that the cron expression will match for all the values of the field.
"/" describes the increments of the ranges.

Do check out this Jenkins training, if you are planning to learn more of Jenkins.

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