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by (9k points)
What are the three layers of Data Warehouse Architecture?

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by (45.3k points)

Data Warehouse Architecture generally adopts a three-tier structure. The three layers of the Data Warehouse architecture are as follows:

  • Bottom Tier: It is the database server in the data warehouse architecture. It is a relational database management system (RDBMS). You can make use of various back end tools and utilities in order to feed data to this layer of the data warehouse architecture. These tools help in performing various data functions including extracting, cleaning, loading, and refreshing.
  • Middle Tier: The middle layer of this architecture consists of the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Server which can be implemented in two ways. With the help of Relational OLAP (ROLAP), an extended RDBMS, you can map the operations on the data to the relational operations. On the other hand, by Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), you can directly implement the various multidimensional operations and data.
  • Top Tier: This layer is the front-end of the client. It holds various reporting and query tools along with the data mining and analysis tools.

To know more about the layers of Data Warehouse Architecture, read the Data Warehouse Tutorial.

If you wish to make a successful career in this field then you must enroll on an online Data Warehousing Training.

Also, check out this comprehensive video tutorial on Data Warehouse:

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