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in BI by (55.6k points)
What are the jobs can I do after getting a business analytics degree?

1 Answer

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by (119k points)

Business analytics is a combination of many skills like analysis, modeling, reporting, etc. You can do a lot of variety of jobs depends on the skills you mastered in your business analytics degree. 

I have listed four jobs you can do if you have a business analytics degree.  

  • Business Analyst has to manage and analyze the data, build statistical models, and create visualizations for inference
  • Quantitative Analyst has to analyze the risks in finance projects using mathematics, statistical concepts, and Machine learning.
  •  Operations Research Analyst has to optimize the operations and to increase the efficiency of the business using optimization methods and machine learning.
  • Market Research Analyst has to analyze the market and find out the after-effects of launching the product using analysis techniques.

If you are interested in Business analytics certification, I would suggest this Business analyst course.

You can watch this video to know how to start Business analytics:

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