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in Machine Learning by (55.6k points)

Can anyone explain cross-validation in machine learning?

2 Answers

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by (119k points)

Cross-validation in Machine Learning is used to reduce the overfitting of data. In cross-validation, we divide the population into k-subsets. We built a model on one subset and validate on k-1 subsets. So, we will get k models at the end. We calculate the performance metric of all models and consider the average of that metric as an overall performance metric of our model.

In case you are interested in Machine learning, I strongly recommend this Machine learning course by Intellipaat.

You can watch this video on machine learning by intellipaat to get an overview of machine learning :

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by (107k points)

Cross-validation in Machine Learning is a technique that is used to train multiple models on the same input data and later evaluates them based on the same. This is a technique used to decide if the hypothesized relationship between the variables holds, corresponding to the validity of the results obtained. There are many types of cross-validations you can do in Machine Learning. K-Fold cross-validation is a popular method that is widely used. Other methods such as Stratified K-Fold cross-validation and Leave-P-Out cross-validation techniques also see a lot of usages, but each of these techniques has an ability that helps it derive solutions to a variety of problems.

If you are looking for an online course to learn Machine Learning, I recommend this Machine Learning Online Course by Intellipaat.

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