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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I am coding on morse, where i wanted to encode my text. Since I am working on the text, I am using string-to-morse and code is as fallows:

def coder(text, to_morse=True):

    morse_key = {'A': '.-',     'B': '-...',   'C': '-.-.',

            'D': '-..',    'E': '.',      'F': '..-.',

            'G': '--.',    'H': '....',   'I': '..',

            'J': '.---',   'K': '-.-',    'L': '.-..',

            'M': '--',     'N': '-.',     'O': '---',

            'P': '.--.',   'Q': '--.-',   'R': '.-.',

            'S': '...',    'T': '-',      'U': '..-',

            'V': '...-',   'W': '.--',    'X': '-..-',

            'Y': '-.--',   'Z': '--..',

            '0': '-----',  '1': '.----',  '2': '..---',

            '3': '...--',  '4': '....-',  '5': '.....',

            '6': '-....',  '7': '--...',  '8': '---..',

            '9': '----.', ' ': ' '


    key_reversed = {value: key for key, value in morse_key.items()}

    if to_morse:

        return ' '.join(morse_key.get(i.upper()) for i in text)


        x = ''.join([key_reversed.get(i) for i in text.split() for i in (i, ' ')][:-1])

        return str(x)

The output which I am getting is not satisfactory. I am getting out like this as shown below:

'D A T A S C I E N C E'

for this code:

coder('-.. .- - .-   ... -.-. .. . -. -.-. .', False)

But I wanted the output to be like this:


So I wanted to implement split(). Can anyone suggest to me how to use it?

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

Well it's very simple since you have done your part pretty much good, you just need to change the else part code as shown below to achieve desired results:

text = text.replace(' ', ',').replace(',,,', ', ,')

return ''.join(key_reversed.get(i) for i in text.split(','))

I hope this will work with no issue.

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