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in DevOps and Agile by (55.6k points)

Can anyone explain the Jenkins pipeline-as-code and its benefits?

1 Answer

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by (119k points)

In Jenkins, pipeline-as-code is a collection of jobs that are interlinked with each other in a particular sequence. Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that supports the integration and implementation of continuous delivery (CD) pipelines using Jenkins. Using this we can implement the automation of the software development process.

The following are the benefits of Jenkins pipeline:

  • Jenkins pipeline as a code that supports multiple users to change and execute the pipeline process.
  • Pipelines are robust because if your server faces any unpredicted restart, the pipeline will be automatically resumed.
  • You can pause the pipeline process and resume the process only when there is an input from the user.
  • Jenkins Pipelines support big projects. You can also run multiple automation jobs and use pipelines in a loop.

If you want to learn Jenkins then take up this Jenkins Training course by Intellipaat.

Also, watch this video on Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial:

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