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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I have a dictionary with a fixed format like:

dict = {1111: {'vehicle_id': 1111, 'vehicle_capacity': 800},

        3333: {'vehicle_id': 3333, 'vehicle_capacity': 4800}}

The output I would like to get is:

list_dict1 = [{1111: {'vehicle_id': 1111, 'vehicle_capacity': 800}]

list_dict2 = [{3333: {'vehicle_id': 3333, 'vehicle_capacity': 4800}]

The format of dict can't be changed, I tried to get it by calling the keys (1111 and 3333), but the output will show without the keys. Anyone can help me with how to do it?

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

The one-liner solution:

>>> d = {1111: {'vehicle_id': 1111, 'vehicle_capacity': 800},

         3333: {'vehicle_id': 3333, 'vehicle_capacity': 4800}}

>>> lst = [dict([(key, value)]) for key, value in d.items()]

[{1111: {'vehicle_id': 1111, 'vehicle_capacity': 800}}, {3333: {'vehicle_id': 3333, 'vehicle_capacity': 4800}}]

So dict.items() is a simple way to access the dictionary items in an iterable format. Then by using list comprehension, it's up to your imagination how you transform it.

Note that dict is a reserved keyword in Python, it's a class constructor to create dictionaries. It's better not to shadow its binding in your code.

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