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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)
Can anyone tell me how many types of agents are defined in Artificial Intelligence?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

There are four main types of agents in Artificial Intelligence, namely Simple Reflex Agent, Model-based reflex agent, Goal-based agents, Utility-based agent, and Learning agent. The Simple Reflex agents take in decisions based on the current situations to device solution and ignoring the history to achieve its results. Model-based reflex agents have the ability to actively track the situation and vary based upon that. This is done as they have Internal State that is used to analyze and interpret the percept history. Utility-based agents are similar to the gold-based counterparts but here there is an extra component that is used to measure the utilities by providing a metric to analyze the success or failure at a given point of time. The learning agents on the other hand can learn from their past experiences as it has the learning capabilities to do so.

If you are looking for an online course to learn Artificial Intelligence, check out this AI Course by Intellipaat.

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