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in Big Data Hadoop & Spark by (32.1k points)
Can anyone tell me what is meant by Big Data?

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by (45.3k points)

Big Data can be defined as the data that satisfies the following criteria. They are popularly called the 5 Vs of Big Data.

  • Volume: The term ‘Big Data’ itself tells us about the enormous volume of it. One of the most important factors that determine Big Data is, therefore, its volume. This volume can start at terabytes and rise to petabytes or even beyond.
  • Velocity: Velocity means the high speed at which the data is accumulated in real time. It can be a measure of how continuous the flow of data is. The potential of Big Data processing tools can be determined by checking how effectively they can process this fast flow of data to meet the demands.
  • Variety: Variety refers to the nature of Big Data, that is, whether it is structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. This also implies the heterogeneous nature of the sources from which the data flows.
  • Veracity: Veracity is the uncertainty in data that occurs due to the inconsistencies and errors present in the data.
  • Value: The bulk of data without having a value in it can do no good to any company. Hence, the data that any organization holds should have valuable attributes in it to make it useful. 

If you are looking for an online course to learn Big Data, check out this Hadoop Certification course by Intellipaat.

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