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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I have a dataframe that looks as the following:

ip_address    malware_type

ip_1          malware_1

ip_2          malware_2

ip_1          malware_1

ip_1          malware_1

ip_1          malware_2

ip_2          malware_2

ip_2          malware_3




I want to drop duplicate rows based on the 'ip_address' column, however, when I dropping occurs, I want to keep only the 'malware_type' value that is the most frequent for each IP. So the resulting data frame should look like:

ip_address    malware_type

ip_1          malware_1

ip_2          malware_2


1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)
edited by

Let us try mode

s=df.groupby('ip_address').malware_type.agg(lambda x : x.mode()[0]) # .reset_index()



ip_1    malware_1

ip_2    malware_2

Name: malware_type, dtype: object

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