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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I am new to python, I have this code:

# columns are [0]title [1]year [2]rating [3]length(min) [4]genre [5]budget($mil) [6]box_office_gross($mil)

oscar_data = [

    ["The Shape of Water", 2017, 6.914, 123, ['sci-fi', 'drama'], 19.4, 195.243464],

    ["Moonlight", 2016, 6.151, 110, ['drama'], 1.5, 65.046687],

    ["Spotlight", 2015, 7.489, 129, ['drama', 'crime', 'history'], 20.0, 88.346473],

    ["Birdman", 2014, 7.604, 119, ['drama', 'comedy'], 18.0, 103.215094]


def filter_by_genre(data, genre):

    result = []

    for row in data:

        genres = row[4]

        if genre in genres:


    return result

all_genres = [

    'sci-fi', 'drama', 'crime', 'history', 'comedy', 'biography',

    'thriller', 'war', 'melodrama', 'action', 'adventure', 'western',

    'mystery', 'horror'


genres_counts = []

for genre in all_genres:

    count = len(filter_by_genre(oscar_data, genre))



print('Genre        | Number')


for row in genres_counts:

    genre = row[0]

    count =I am new to python, I have this code:

# columns are [0]title [1]year [2]rating [3]length(min) [4]genre [5]budget($mil) [6]box_office_gross($mil)

oscar_data = [

    ["The Shape of Water", 2017, 6.914, 123, ['sci-fi', 'drama'], 19.4, 195.243464],

    ["Moonlight", 2016, 6.151, 110, ['drama'], 1.5, 65.046687],

    ["Spotlight", 2015, 7.489, 129, ['drama', 'crime', 'history'], 20.0, 88.346473],

    ["Birdman", 2014, 7.604, 119, ['drama', 'comedy'], 18.0, 103.215094]


def filter_by_genre(data, genre):

    result = []

    for row in data:

        genres = row[4]

        if genre in genres:


    return result

all_genres = [

    'sci-fi', 'drama', 'crime', 'history', 'comedy', 'biography',

    'thriller', 'war', 'melodrama', 'action', 'adventure', 'western',

    'mystery', 'horror'


genres_counts = []

for genre in all_genres:

    count = len(filter_by_genre(oscar_data, genre))



print('Genre        | Number')


for row in genres_counts:

    genre = row[0]

    count = row[1]

    print('{: <11} | {: >10}'.format(genre, count))

I have made my list shorter for the sake of the post, It supposed to count each genre in oscar_data and print it with the genre and the count.

But I am getting the below error

  File "", line 63, in <module>

    genre = row[0]

TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

What am I supposed to do to make that int into a list? row[1]

    print('{: <11} | {: >10}'.format(genre, count))

I have made my list shorter for the sake of the post, It supposed to count each genre in oscar_data and print it with the genre and the count.

But I am getting the below error

 File "", line 63, in <module>

    genre = row[0]

TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

What am I supposed to do to make that int into a list?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (36.8k points)

Your error is been introduced here:



You  have append genre and count as separate values, not as the collection. Replace those two lines with:

genres_counts.append((genre, count))

Better yet, use list comprehension:

genres_counts = [(genre, len(filter_by_genre(oscar_data, genre))  

                 for genre in all_genres]

If you are a beginner and want to know more about Data Science the do check out the Python Data Science Course.

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