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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I have the  below string

 "Halo Device ANumber : 6232123123 Customer ID : 16926"

I want to search with the keyword: "62" from the string.

Then if I want to show it's whole substring "6232123123" . I am using the below code:

string = str('Halo Device ANumber : 6232123123 Customer ID : 16926')

ind = string.find('62')

word = string.split()[ind]

print('62 found in index: ', ind)

print('substring : ', word)

And getting this output:

62 found in index:  22

substring : Device

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

If you are looking for the particular "full string", where it ends when there is simply the space, you can just use .find() again:

string = str('Halo Device ANumber : 6232123123 Customer ID : 16926')

target = '62'

ind = string.find(target)

ind_end = string.find(' ', ind + len(target))

word = string[ind:ind_end]

If you wanted something more robust, we can use regex:

string = str('Halo Device ANumber : 6232123123 Customer ID : 16926')

word = re.findall('(62\d+)', string).groups()[0]

This will take a first match from your string which starts from "62" and captures all the remaining numerical digits.

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