After release of Hadoop 3.0.0 Alpha 1, the port 50070 was changed to 9870 for 3.0.0-alpha1
I.e. http://localhost:9870
Also, lots of other ports are changed:
Namenode ports: 50470 --> 9871, 50070 --> 9870, 8020 --> 9820
Secondary NN ports: 50091 --> 9869, 50090 --> 9868
Datanode ports: 50020 --> 9867, 50010 --> 9866, 50475 --> 9865, 50075 --> 9864
If you are running Hadoop 2._._ , you can try this approach:
# sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode start ;
# sudo service hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode start ;
Now, type jps and see if namenode and data node are running.
Then to verify services have started, you can check the web console http://hadoop:50070/
Hopefully, you will see that your localhost:50070 is working.
If you are a beginner in Hadoop, do check out this awesome video tutorial: