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in Data Science by (18.4k points)
I have the doubt, in the python each string is, Z = "00123+0567*29/03-7"

how to convert it to a "123+567*29/3-7"

Even I tried with the re.split('[+]|[*]|-|/', Z) later with for i in res : i = i.lstrip("0") but it will split it correctly, but to join it back with the same operands as in the string "Z" as Z = "123+567*29/3-7"

How to solve it

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

Use the below code:

def cut_zeroes(Z):

    i, res = 0, []

    n = len(Z)

    while i < n:

        j = i

        while i < n and Z[i] not in '+-/*':

            i += 1


        if i < n:


        i += 1

    return ''.join(map(str,res))


Z = "00123+0567*29/03-700"


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