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in DevOps and Agile by (45k points)

Could someone tell me how to install Kubernetes on Ubuntu?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

You could take these below points as guiding points to install Kubernetes on Ubuntu:

  1. Start by installing Docker. (because Kubernetes couldn’t be installed without Docker)
  2. After installing Docker, start and enable it.
  3. Then install Kubernetes, and add a Signing key.
  4. Then add software repositories.
  5. Install a tool like Kubeadm (Kubernetes Admin) which helps in initializing a cluster.

Want to master Kubernetes and get certified? Then check out the Kubernetes training from Intellipaat which includes 10hrs of online instructor-led training and 20 hrs of project work and exercises which helps in gaining proficiency in Kubernetes.

Also, watch our experts deliver a talk on Kubernetes training to gain more insight into it.

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