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in GCP by (7.3k points)

Could someone tell me why is Google cloud losing to AWS and Azure?

1 Answer

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by (32.3k points)
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In terms of market share, GCP is 3rd among the cloud services provider has only 7% of the market share, in contrast, AWS has 33% of the market share. GCP was founded just for their personal purposes and later was offered for commercial purposes.

But on other hand, AWS, and Azure were for commercial use from its initial stages. According to industry experts, GCP lacks focus and thus is losing out to AWS and other cloud services vendors. But recent stats show that GCP is growing rapidly at almost twice the growth rate of AWS. And that means they are definitely in the fight and have not given up hope, by trying to offer their services at a much cheaper rate than AWS.

If you are wishing to learn from AWS or GCP, then check out the Google Cloud certification and AWS course from Intellipaat.

Also, watch our YouTube video on Amazon Web Services vs Google Cloud Platform - AWS vs GCP to help you get started.

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