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in DevOps and Agile by (45k points)

Could someone tell me why do we need Kubernetes?

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by (99k points)

Kubernetes is an open-source container management tool, developed by Google and now it's being maintained by CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation).

Let me share some points on why do we need Kubernetes:

  1. Containerization is great! Splitting the software and its dependencies and libraries into small isolated components, will help solve the current issues related to software development, that is it makes the whole process faster and more efficient. But to do all these you need to orchestrate your containers which may be large or very large in number. Here comes Kubernetes with its open-source approach through which you could oversee and handle these containers according to the requirement.
  2. Since it is open-source and is one of the most popular container orchestration tool, it is used by everyone, and that makes it easy for multi-cloud adoption.
  3. With Kubernetes, you could deploy and update applications with scale, and reduce or upgrade without any downtime for your users.
  4. Other major points for Kubernetes are: Horizontal infrastructure scaling, self-healing, traffic routing, automated rollouts, canary deployments, etc.

If you wish to know more, then check out the Kubernetes tutorial, to get started. And if you are getting ready for a Kubernetes interview, check out the top Kubernetes interview questions. And if you are interested in learning Kubernetes from scratch, check out the Kubernetes certification course.

Watch our YouTube video on Kubernetes Interview Questions And Answers.

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