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in Web Technology by (45k points)

Could someone tell me what is the difference between Angular and React JS?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)
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The basic difference between Angular and React JS is that Angular is a framework and React JS is a library. Angular is developed by Google and is an open-source web application framework based on Typescript. Whereas, React JS is also open-sourced but is a library that was developed by Facebook. If you need an in-depth comparison between these two, then check out the Angular vs React blog article.

Aspiring to become an expert in Angular? Enroll in Intellipaat’s Angular certification, which helps you in becoming skilled in Angular and its components, component libraries, further you will learn how to create a responsive web design through industry-level projects which come within the package. Go check out the course today! Wish to watch a video for better perception? Have a look at our latest video on the Difference between Angular and AngularJS.

Also, check out React JS Course provided by intellipaat!

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