Basically, there is no format present in javascript for DD-Mon-YYYY. You have to do it manually.
// Attaching a new function toShortFormat() to any instance of Date() class
Date.prototype.toShortFormat = function() {
let monthNames =["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr",
"Sep", "Oct","Nov","Dec"];
let day = this.getDate();
let monthIndex = this.getMonth();
let monthName = monthNames[monthIndex];
let year = this.getFullYear();
return `${day}-${monthName}-${year}`;
// Now any Date object can be declared
let anyDate = new Date(1528578000000);
// and it can represent itself in the custom format defined above.
console.log(anyDate.toShortFormat()); // 10-Jun-2018
let today = new Date();
console.log(today.toShortFormat()); // today's date
I hope this will help.