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in Python by (50.2k points)

I want to know that is there any different way to post the code to compiler API for the execution? 

var request = require('request');

var fs=require("fs");

var program = {

    script :"print('hello\nworld')",

    language: "python3",

    versionIndex: "0",

    clientId: "clientID",




    url: '',

    method: "POST",

    json: program


function (error, response, body) {

    console.log('error:', error);

    console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode);

    console.log('body:', body);


The output:

error: null

statusCode: 200

body: { output: '\njdoodle.c:1:7: warning: missing terminating \' character\n print(\'hello\n       ^\njdoodle.c:1:1: error: missing terminating \' c

haracter\n print(\'hello\n ^\njdoodle.c:2:6: warning: missing terminating \' character\n world\')\n      ^\njdoodle.c:2:1: error: missing terminating

 \' character\n world\')\n ^\njdoodle.c:2:1: error: expected \')\' at end of input\n',

  statusCode: 200,

  memory: null,

  cpuTime: null }

1 Answer

0 votes
by (108k points)

Kindly use textArea() so that you can fetch the code and later on, it will automatically convert the code to jDoodle readable format. For your program, kindly use the below code:

script :"print('hello\r\nworld')",

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