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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what is the qualification required to become a Business Analyst?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

A Business Analyst is a professional who sifts through a heap of business data to extract meaningful data, to empower business decisions, or to support their decision-making process. Now, the required qualification to become a Business Analyst is to have a degree. And anyone could enter this field if he has the domain knowledge and a relevant certification or degree to showcase his interest to break into this domain. That’s it this is the required qualification that you need to become a Business Analyst. And for the skills part, there are lots of skills that you need to acquire to become a Business Analyst. If you are just starting out and wish to enter this domain, then check out the Business Analyst training from Intellipaat, which offers you a dedicated time frame of instructor-led courses and projects for enhancing your practical skills.

Also, watch our YouTube video on Business Analyst Tutorial for Beginners to get started.

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