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in Azure by (6.5k points)

Could someone tell what are the most general applications of Azure Storage Queue?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)

Azure Storage Queue is a service that was introduced by Microsoft Azure, which would enable you to store large numbers of messages, and by that, I mean it could store millions of messages. And the specialty of this service is that you could access these messages by sitting in any part of the world, just by connecting to the internet through authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. And each queue message is 64KB, and as many messages could be filled till it reaches the accounts storage limit.

I hope you got the correct explanation you were looking for. If you are searching for a good Azure course, then I would recommend you to enroll in the Azure certification course from Intellipaat. And if you are just starting out in Azure cloud, then I would suggest you watch the following video on How to Become Azure Developer to get started.

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