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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me how Netflix uses Big Data Analytics to ensure success?

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by (45.3k points)

Netflix one of the biggest companies today in the entertainment industry has been pretty consistent in delivering hits and has garnered much success through its shows, and productions over the years to become the one-stop solution for experiencing great content. Now, you might be wondering how does Netflix achieve this feat on a consistent basis? Well, be seated in your seats because it's not magic. It’s the efficient and extensive use of Big Data Analytics. Netflix takes in huge quantities of user data, and then churns them through algorithms, to produce actionable insights that could be put through their recommendation systems, their production plans, etc.

With a huge reserve of Data at their hands, they exactly know the pulse of viewers, who have subscribed to their services. They know, what content to recommend next, that probably you would like to watch. These data would enable them to better decide whether the content that they are going to produce, direct or market will be a hit or not, based on user engagement, and association with similar content. So, in short, it’s the proper use of Big Data Analytics that is yielding Netflix their consistent stream of applauds and success.

Wish to learn more about Big Data Analytics, then enroll in good Data Analytics courses, from a reputed e-learning institute, like Intellipaat. And if you wish to know more, check out the following video on Data Analytics for Beginners and get started.

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