Within the domain of C programming, one of an assembler’s main objectives is to produce executable binary code from an assembly language. Although a comptuer-generated c script usually gets converted into machine code with the help of a compiler, some exceptions arise especially in scenarios that require optimizing portions of c programs, where assembly language is useful. The stages of compilation of C programs incorporating Assembler can be treated in the following manner:
Compilation: The first step of the C compiler is to convert C code into assembly language.
Assembly: The next stage involves the machine converting that assembly language to machine code.
Linking: The last stage takes the machine code produced by the assembler as well as any additional libraries and combines them together into an executable program.
To expect everything all developers are expected to write is along the lines of programming languages, the assembler management in C is directed to interpreting and converting into binary any assembly that has been written in the entire process of building.