I tried to run the Nvidia TensoRT's python samples, but got an error importing pycuda:
ImportError: .../pycuda-2020.1-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg/pycuda/_driver.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6detail12set_tss_dataEPKvPFvPFvPvES3_ES5_S3_b
My environment:
- Nvidia Driver Version: 460.73.01
- CUDA Version: 10.0
- CUDNN Version: 7.6.4
- Operating System + Version: Ubuntu 16.04
- Python Version: 3.6.13
How I installed pycuda:
After installing PyCuda, I installed TensorFlow 1.15 and TensorRT 7. The error happened on the line from pycuda._driver import * # noqa
Please teach me how to address this problem. Thanks