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in Salesforce by (11.9k points)

I am looking at implementing listener application for Salesforce Outbound Messaging.

The walkthrough implements it using the deprecated ASMX web service. The code is generated using wsdl.exe with /serverInterface switch.

Here is the WSDL of Salesforce Outbound Messaging:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<definitions targetNamespace=""








    <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">

        <!-- Our simple ID Type -->

        <simpleType name="ID">

            <restriction base="xsd:string">

                <length value="18"/>

                <pattern value='[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}'/>




    <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">

        <import namespace="" />

        <!-- Base sObject (abstract) -->

        <complexType name="sObject">


                <element name="fieldsToNull" type="xsd:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

                <element name="Id" type="ent:ID" nillable="true" />



        <complexType name="AggregateResult">


                <extension base="ens:sObject">


                        <any namespace="##targetNamespace" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>





        <complexType name="Contact">


                <extension base="ens:sObject">


                    <element name="Email" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

                    <element name="FirstName" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

                    <element name="LastName" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>






    <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" targetNamespace="">

        <import namespace="" />

        <import namespace="" />

        <element name="notifications">



                    <element name="OrganizationId" type="ent:ID" />

                    <element name="ActionId" type="ent:ID" />

                    <element name="SessionId" type="xsd:string" nillable="true" />

                    <element name="EnterpriseUrl" type="xsd:string" />

                    <element name="PartnerUrl" type="xsd:string" />

                    <element name="Notification" maxOccurs="100" type="tns:ContactNotification" />




        <complexType name="ContactNotification">


                <element name="Id" type="ent:ID" />

                <element name="sObject" type="ens:Contact" />



        <element name="notificationsResponse">



                    <element name="Ack" type="xsd:boolean" />






<!-- Method Messages -->   

<message name="notificationsRequest">

    <part element="tns:notifications" name="request"/>


<message name="notificationsResponse">

    <part element="tns:notificationsResponse" name="response"/>


<!-- PortType -->

<portType name="NotificationPort">

    <operation name="notifications">

        <documentation>Process a number of notifications.</documentation>

        <input  message="tns:notificationsRequest"/>

        <output message="tns:notificationsResponse"/>



<!-- Binding 

     You need to write a service that implements this binding to receive the notifications


<binding name="NotificationBinding" type="tns:NotificationPort">

    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>

    <operation name="notifications">

        <soap:operation soapAction=""/>


            <soap:body use="literal"/>



            <soap:body use="literal"/>




<!-- Service Endpoint -->

<service name="NotificationService">

    <documentation>Notification Service Implementation</documentation>

    <port binding="tns:NotificationBinding" name="Notification">

        <soap:address location=""/>




TLDR is I need to implement NotificationBinding so that Salesforce can call my web service when an event occurs on their system.

I since have realized svcutil does not natively support Contract-First development.

As per Contract-First SOA with WCF I used WSCF. Blue to generate server-side stubs from Salesforce WSDL. Whilst the code compiles WSDL generated by my service does not have an operation of the required notification.

I wonder what I am going wrong?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (32.1k points)
edited by

The best option for you is to use ASMX. I have three OM listeners and they all work just fine below 4.0.

I don't know who spreads this misinformation about some .NET2.0 techs but a lot of them are most assuredly not obsoleted just because dev community got resisted with novelty fetish; ASMX is one of them. WCF is simply put not yet complete, it is not fully WS compliant and that causes a lot of grief with salesforce integration (most painful being that WCF does not support SOAP headers where salesforce keeps session info).

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