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in Big Data Hadoop & Spark by (32.8k points)
What is the scope of splunk in recent times?

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by (31.8k points)

Yes, Splunk has great demand in the IT sector now and in the future also. Splunk is the Google for machine data, and going forward this machine data will be a major chunk of the big data that is being generated at breakneck speeds. To handle this vast data, companies are paying lucrative salaries for both freshers and experts who are having knowledge of this tool. So if you learn Splunk then you have a very bright future because the need for this skill in organizations won't fade away soon. 

If you are looking forward to a career start with Splunk technology then I recommend you to go for Intellipaat  Splunk-Certification-Training.

Before that do check out this video on how Intellipaat helped Uday Agarwal in getting a salary hike -

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