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in AI and Deep Learning by (33.9k points)
Can I become an AI Engineer after career break?

1 Answer

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by (31.8k points)

After taking a career break, it is possible to become an AI engineer. You have a lot of options because the field of artificial intelligence is quickly developing and continuously in need of qualified individuals. There are several ways to keep up with the most recent advancements in AI, such as taking online courses, going to conferences or seminars, etc. The most crucial requirements are a passion for AI and a desire to always learn new things and advance your skills.

In order to learn all the required skills it is better to go with instructor-led training for that I would like you to take up this Artificial Intelligence Certification offering by Intellipaat. This training helps you to become a certified professional with all the required skills.

Along with that do check out this video on how Intellipaat helped Anjali to become an artificial intelligence engineer after a career break -

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