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in Investment Banking by (3.8k points)
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How do professionals in investment banking and management consulting differ in terms of their educational and professional backgrounds?

1 Answer

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by (2.7k points)

Professionals in investment banking and management consulting may come from quite different educational and professional backgrounds. Investment bankers frequently start their careers as analysts or associates at investment banks and typically hold undergraduate or graduate degrees in finance, economics, or business. On the other hand, management consultants have a larger range of academic and professional backgrounds, such as business, engineering, and the social sciences. They frequently have skills in fields like strategy, operations, or data analysis, and they may begin their careers at consulting firms or in industry. Generally, both careers necessitate strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, but the precise backgrounds and admission requirements can vary.

Hence, if you want to begin a career in this field, just do it. In fact, if you want to learn more, you should watch Intellipaat's video tutorial that contrasts and differentiates management consulting and investment banking in a detailed way.

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