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in Investment Banking by (33.9k points)
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How can I prepare to pursue a career in investment banking?

1 Answer

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by (31.8k points)
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Preparing for a career in investment banking can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some steps you can follow to pursue a career in investment banking - Get a bachelor's degree, Develop your analytical and quantitative skills, Obtain relevant certifications, Gain relevant work experience through internships, then apply for investment banking profiles.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in investment banking, then I would recommend that you take up this Advance Investment Banking Course Online by Intellipaat. During this training, you will be learning various concepts like stock borrow lending, risk management, trade life cycle, asset management, etc, by working on real-time case studies. Upon completion of training, you will receive an Advanced Certificate in Investment Banking Operations from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati, and Intellipaat certification. These certifications have huge value in the IT industry.

Along with that for your reference I am attaching an investment banking video tutorial by Intellipaat -

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