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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)

I am a researcher student. I am searching for large data for the knapsack problem. I wanted to test my algorithm for the knapsack problem. But I couldn't find large data. I need data has 1000 item and capacity is no matter. The point is an item as much as huge it's good for my algorithm. Is there any huge data available on the internet. Does anybody know please guys I need urgent?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

BIN_PACKING, a dataset catalog which contains examples of the bin packing problem, in which a number of objects are to be packed in the minimum possible number of uniform bins;

CHANGE_MAKING, a dataset directory which includes test data for the change-making problem;

GENERALIZED_ASSIGNMENT, a dataset directory which includes test data for the generalized task problem;

KNAPSACK, a FORTRAN77 library which solves a variation of knapsack problems.

KNAPSACK_MULTIPLE, a dataset directory which comprises of test data for the multiple knapsack problem;

LAU_NP, a FORTRAN90 library which executes heuristic algorithms for various NP-hard combinatorial problems.

PARTITION_PROBLEM, a dataset catalog that carries samples of the partition problem, in which a set of numbers is given, and it is desired to break the set into two subsets with equal sum.

SUBSET_SUM, a dataset catalog that contains illustrations of the subset sum problem, in which a set of numbers is given, and is desired to find at least one subset that sums to a given target value.

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