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in Big Data Hadoop & Spark by (11.4k points)

How to read partitioned parquet with condition as dataframe,

this works fine,

val dataframe ="file:///home/msoproj/dev_data/dev_output/aln/partitions/data=jDD/year=2015/month=10/day=25/*")
Partition is there for day=1 to day=30 is it possible to read something like(day = 5 to 6) or day=5,day=6,

val dataframe ="file:///home/msoproj/dev_data/dev_output/aln/partitions/data=jDD/year=2015/month=10/day=??/*")

If I put * it gives me all 30 days data and it is too big.

1 Answer

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by (32.3k points)

In old versions(say Spark<1.6) can take multiple paths as input.

As of Spark 1.6 one needs to provide a "basepath"-option in order for Spark to generate columns automatically. Now, in order to create a dataframe with the columns "data", "year", "month" and "day", where you want day=5 and day=6, you can simply add two paths like:

val dataframe = sqlContext


     .option("basePath", "file:///your/path/")



If you have folders under day=X, like say country=XX, country will automatically be added as a column in the dataframe.

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