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in Python by (19.9k points)

I am using Pandas to sort a data frame. A handful of the columns are IP addresses that need to be sorted.

Is there a way to sort by IP addresses with Pandas easily? Is it possible to create a custom function I can use with Pandas to sort IP addresses?

I was able to sort a list of IP addresses, however I am having difficulty figuring out how to create custom sort functions with Pandas. Is there a way to incorporate inet_aton from the socket module?

I was able to accomplish this task on a list outside of Pandas:

list_of_ips = ['', '', '', '', '']

sorted(list_of_ips, key=lambda ip: struct.unpack("!L", inet_aton(ip))[0])

['', '', '', '', '']

I expect a column of IP-addresses in a data frame to be sorted with Pandas.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (25.1k points)

You can use pandas argsort method. Like this:


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