New to Tableau so sorry if this is obvious, but I had a hunt and couldn't find/understand anything. So I have a cake shop and I want to know if people have purchased both éclairs and Eccles cakes in the same order
0001 éclair
0001 iced bun
0001 Eccles cake
0002 éclair
0002 iced bun
0003 éclair
0003 Eccles cake
What I want as an output is the following:
ORDER ID item éclair?
0001 éclair 0
0001 iced bun 0
0001 Eccles cake 1
0002 éclair 0
0002 iced bun 0
0003 éclair 0
0003 Eccles cake 1
I'm thinking it requires something like a lookup or a helper column?!
For reference, I've got a single data set (a csv file) so I'm guessing I can't run a SQL query on it?