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in Web Technology by (19.9k points)

Why is the MEAN stack so popular?

1 Answer

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by (25.1k points)
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MEAN Stack is very popular because it allows developers to use only one language JavaScript to develop all layers of the website e.g. front-end, back-end etc. This is because MEAN stack is a stack of technologies like MongoDB,  ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS. Each one of these technologies take care of one part of Web Application Development such as MongoDB for Database, ExpressJS fro back-end etc. It's also quite popular becuase it is very easy to get started with and easy to use. There is a lot of documentation out on the internet for working with these technologies.

You can read this blog that explains what MEAN stack is.

You can also get started with MEAN stack by learning individual technologies, like: 

If you wish to learn MongoDB you can do this end to end certification course on MongoDB.

Also you can learn Angular by doing this Angular course.

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