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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

What is the largest Kubernetes cluster that exists?

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by (106k points)
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Currently the largest Kubernetes cluster that exists is JD which runs the world’s largest Kubernetes cluster in production. JD’s product databases for customers are having more than one Trillion images, and that figure increases by 100 million images daily.

If you will put it in perspective, five years ago there were only about two billion images in JD’s product database. This is the reason that’s why JD turned to CNCF’s Kubernetes project in recent years to accommodate its clusters. In order to learn about all these things in details and also want to learn Kubernetes and to have a decent and valuable certificate then you can visit Intellipaat Kubernetes Training course. If you like to read the concepts than you can read the following Kubernetes tutorial. You can also watch the video tutorials free of cost on Youtube visit the link mentioned-below:-

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