Below are the names of some of the coolest open-source projects on GitHub:-
Game of Life: The Game of Life is an online version of Conway's Game of Life"
Quine-Relay: It is a Ruby program that generates Scala program which generates a scheme program and this scheme program generates through 50 languages. REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again."
JavaScript 3D library: The Javascript 3D for dummies pretty much.
Neovim: Neovim is a project which is going to Rebirth Vim.
Avalon: Avalon is an Open Hardware Bitcoin Miner.
If you want to know more about GitHub whether if you are an absolute beginner or you have a little knowledge of GitHub in that case to learn GitHub and all its concepts such as pull request or creating a repository in detail which is necessary for a programmer you can learn it by taking up the GitHub training course. If you like to read then you can have a look at the GitHub tutorial. If you want to learn it by watching the video tutorial then you can have a look at the following tutorial:- .