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in Machine Learning by (50.2k points)

How do I learn mathematics for machine learning?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

To become an AI/ML engineer, it is important that you have a full grasp of the mathematical frameworks of ML so that you can build upon concepts efficiently. The basic mathematical skills expected are Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Probability, and some basic Calculus. Completing the above topics will definitely make you a mathematically strong AI/ML engineer. Now that you have built the base, jump into research papers. They are absolutely necessary as these clearly show the standards of AI researchers/engineers. Studying Machine Learning Tutorial too will be putting you in a different frame. Firstly, find out the popular papers of AI like RNN, LSTM, SVM, etc. and go through the technical content.  If you are a beginner and want to know more about Machine Learning, then check out the Machine Learning Training  by Intellipaat which will teach you ML from basics:

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