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in Machine Learning by (50.2k points)

How do I learn machine learning?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)
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The biggest question while learning anything new is how to start and where to start…

The step you can take is by learning some programming languages. I recommend Python Course language as it is user-friendly and has many libraries that are required in Machine Learning. Just spend a few months learning python and simultaneously spend time in learning some basic concepts of Machine Learning Tutorial as it will help you that where python will come into picture while learning Machine Learning.

Now after learning Python, you have to learn how to handle and manipulate huge amounts of data as you must know that it is the main concept behind ML. You have to start learning concepts of data analysis, manipulation & visualization with Pandas, NumPy Matplotlib.

After learning data visualization, now you will learn how to find patterns in the data. So for learning the patterns, you have to focus on learning what sort of machine learning problems are present like classification and regression, and what kind of algorithms are best for handling those kinds of problems.

So after learning huge concepts of ML then all you have to do is practice. As you all know PRACTICE MAKES A MAN/WOMAN PERFECT. So keep that quote in mind and start practicing on Kaggle. Now your main goal is to practice combining all the Machine Learning techniques into complete and end-to-end analyses.

If you are a beginner and want to know more about Machine Learning, then check out this course by Intellipaat which will teach you ML from basics: Machine Learning Course

And if you are more into youtube tutorials then here is an awesome video tutorial by Intellipaat which will clear all your doubts regarding the same:

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