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in AI and Deep Learning by (17.6k points)
Do you fear artificial intelligence? Why?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)
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Yes, everybody does. If research and development in AI continue at the same pace then in the coming few years Artificial Intelligence will be at its top-notch.

The fear is about giving them the ability of decisions making. Machines will be unstoppable once they started. Also, if they are used for military purposes then it would be a disaster.

But we are still far away from the stage where AI will be used for military purposes. 

It is still in its infancy and one can make a bright career in AI as it is used by most of the companies nowadays for optimizing their business processes.

So, start learning by going through this AI Tutorial and if you are looking to apply for Master's degree in AI then enroll in Master’s in Artificial Intelligence in India.

Also, watch this comprehensive tutorial to learn AI for free:\

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