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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

What knowledge/skills must an entry-level Data Science engineer have?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

It is useful to have the foundational skills in the following areas:

  1. Basic probability and statistics including distributions, hypothesis testing, estimators, confidence intervals, etc.

  2. Computer science:  data structures and Algorithms, Basics of machine learning - supervised vs. unsupervised methods,  essentials of a few techniques like objective functions, regularization, risk minimization, bias/variance trade-off, cross-validation, hyper-parameters, classes of hypothesis functions - linear models, trees, neural networks, kernels, etc., They are commonly used methods to handle numeric, boolean, categorical, text data, etc. The familiarity of using these methods in some tools like R, Python, etc.

You can refer the following Data science course which provides you a detailed understanding of the project life cycle, data acquisition, analysis, statistical methods, and machine learning.

If you want a detailed explanation of Data Science then do check out Data Science tutorial which will help you in understanding Data Science.

And if you are more into videos then do check out the following video tutorial which will help you in mastering in the field of Data Science:

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