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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

Is it not advisable to use database in Docker container?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

No, you can definitely use the database in Docker container which is good to use. A Docker container could handle the failure automatically. If one node fails, the container could be started on another node. Some of the technologies, such as docker volume plugin, the database could enjoy the same benefits. Although, still you will need to manually set up the database membership for the cluster database such as Cassandra, PostgreSQL master/slave, etc. There is a project, FireCamp which is good to help to run the database in the docker container. The database cluster could be set up via one command. If you want to learn about Docker then you must take up the following Docker Training Course. I am also mentioning a video tutorial which you must watch to learn more about Docker.

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