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0 votes
in AI and Deep Learning by (17.6k points)

How to download necessary python packages for data analysis (e.g. pandas,scipy,numpy etc) and machine learning packages (sci-kit learn for starter, tensorflow for deeplearning if possible etc) without using github or anaconda?

Our client has permitted us to install python 3.6 and above (32-bit) in our terminals for data analysis and machine learning projects but we cannot access github due to security restrictions and also cannot download anaconda bundle.

Please provide suitable weblinks and instructions.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (41.4k points)

To install any packages we use the pip(Preffered Installer Program) command in the terminal.

If you want to install packages for TensorFlow then simple write the below command in terminal:

pip install tensorflow

0 votes
by (107k points)

For downloading the data science packages you can refer to the following link:

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