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in Data Science by (55.6k points)
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Could someone tell me what are the important packages for Data Science in Python?

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by (45.3k points)
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Python is increasingly becoming the go-to programming language among the Data Science community. It is giving a tough time for R Programming. But both languages offer relatively similar experiences but R definitely has the upper hand, since it dwells only within the Data Science domain, and that is not the case with general-purpose language like Python. And how’s Python giving R a tough time? It's with packages that Python could be used with that give it a competitive edge.

So, here a list of important packages for Data Science, that Python use: Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Caffe, Theano, NumPy, Pandas, Keras, SciPy, Matplotlib, etc. these packages extend Python’s functionality to meet the requirements and get your job done. And even if you are stuck in any problem or facing any issue, Python’s huge community is dedicated to making your Python working-experience smoother and efficient. Wish to become an expert in the Data Science domain with Python, check out the Python for Data Science course from Intellipaat. This course is designed to enhance your practical skills to meet the industry requirements. Also, if you are just starting out in this arena, make sure to watch our YouTube video on Data Science course

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