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in Azure by (4k points)
I have an older version of the database in VS2010 and I want to move it to SQL Azure. Any way to get this migration done quickly and easily?

1 Answer

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by (9.6k points)
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I'd recommend you to use SQL Server Compact or an SQLiteToolbox.

After you install it, you will have to restart the Visual studio box. 

After that, follow these steps to migrate -

  1. Open the .sdf file 
  2. Connect to your SQL CE database and select it. 
  3. Click on SQL Server compact connect/ SQLite Toolbox icon  on the portal
  4. Once you're in it, right-click on the database you want to export 
  5. Go to Script Database 
  6. Go to Script Database schema and Data for SQL Azure
  7. Select the tables and save the file .sql extension

Run the following script against your Azure SQL 

sqlcmd -U user_dbo -P password -S cloudserver -d Database -i c:\dataScript.sql -o c:\azuremigration.txt
And also check out Intellipaat's Azure Training and become an Azure expert

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