I want to save a plot that has been created using the following code however I am consistently getting an empty .png file. Kindly correct the code.
# Regress 10-year S&P return versus Fwd_EY and Fwd_EY^2
plot(data$Fwd_EY, data$SPRet, pch = 16, col = "blue", xlab = "E_t+1/P", ylab = "10-year Return")
fit <- lm(data$SPRet ~ data$Fwd_EY)
# Use predict to calculate predicted returns
predict_ret <- predict(fit, data)
# abline doesn't work; plot predicted returns as a separate line
lines(data$Fwd_EY, predict_ret, col = "gold4", type = "b", cex = 0.7)
#Now save the plot using ggsave
ggsave(filename = "C:/Temp/SP10YrVsForwardPE.png", device = png())