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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)
Can anyone tell me where is Artificial Intelligence used?

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by (107k points)

CIMON is the abbreviation for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion. It is is one of the first AI-enabled robot to accompany astronauts in space. It had an initial mission on the ISS (International Space Station) to be a companion to the astronauts there and then it has also earned the bragging right to become the first autonomous free-floating entity in space. The robot itself weighs about 5kgs and has a small physical footprint aboard the station. It can interact with peop[le easily in multiple languages and it is mostly known for helping out scientists with various experiments that keep getting worked on, on the ISS. Also, CIMON is known to have access to a lot of information through which it can learn and understand new things thereby getting smarter every day. As of now, it can be considered as a strong step into securing the use of Artificial Intelligence in space for the near future.

If you are looking for an online course to learn Artificial Intelligence, check out this Artificial Intelligence Online Course by Intellipaat.

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