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in Machine Learning by (45k points)

Could someone suggest to me how to make a machine learning project?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Here are some points for you to look into before indulging in creating a machine learning project and they are:

  1. 1st of all understand and define the problem on which you are going to apply machine learning.
  2. Followed by analysis and preparing the data required for the project.
  3. After which you should apply the algorithms which you have devised.
  4. Then lookout for the errors, if you are not a professional then you are going to have lots of errors, then sit out and rectify those mistakes and reduce the errors.
  5. Then at last predict the result.

Interested in machine learning (ML)? Then check out the Machine Learning course from Intellipaat!

Also do check out our YouTube video on Machine Learning:

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